Fired Up! Your voice makes a difference
In a world of 7.5 billion people, even one voice can make a difference. The story of one woman who got President Obama "Fired Up"

HIStory written backwards
Only at our end can we see how the dots in our life journey connected.

Robotics - 5 on the Future of Work Discussion
How will Robotics affect the Future of Work?
Friend or Foe?…

Till Death Us Do Part - a Parent's love letter
Parenting is a little like standing at the edge of the Grand…

Can your password motivate you? The hack that gets you back on track
If you are like me - CEO of your business and COO of your home…

The Years are Short - 10 examples of how time flies by
It is inauguration weekend, and we could all use a reminder of…

Do It Scared - Remember your 'Why' to restore your Self-confidence
My 2017 Manifesto: Do It Scared
January. A month of new…

3 ways to connect with your Teenager this Holiday
All I want for Christmas is to share some special moments with…

The sun will still rise tomorrow
Habits, like the sun rise, are about rhythm
Understand your…